Friday, March 7, 2014

Thing 2: Connecting and Communicating with Twitter

Twitter has been a very useful tool. Since I am the only elementary Spanish teacher in my district, and one of only a few in Jackson county. I often feel like an island. For my first year of teaching, I spent time searching the internet for lesson ideas, but was usually disappointed with what I found. Most lessons were geared toward high school or we're just vocabulary drills. Twitter has helped me connect with other foreign language teachers from around the country. Now, I can post questions and concerns about my lesson plans to get feedback. Also, when I see other teachers are using similar activities and strategies it makes me feel more confident. The best benefit of Twitter for me is it encourages me to take risks and think out of the box. I read about other amazing foreign language teachers and strive to be as creative, engaging, and passionate as they are. It has definitely been a big motivator. The two chats that have introduced me to most of my PLN are #langchat and #FLESchat. #Langchat discusses topics that are relevant to all levels of foreign language instruction, while #FLESchat focuses on elementary foreign language.

I have started a Twitter account to post what is going on in my classroom to keep parents informed. I only have 5 followers, but it is an easy way to keep in touch. For now, Weebly is my main source of communication with parents, but I continue to update the twitter account in case it becomes more popular.

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